Symbols of Wealth and Prosperity

Can Prosperity Symbols Help You Build Wealth?

Chan Chu

When you look at the Law of Attraction, you have to go back deeper than just the teachers. There have been several systems for creating wealth over the centuries, and one of them is the idea of symbols or objects that will attract wealth.

Manifesting abundance via an object or symbol comes in about third in popularity, right behind attracting love and protection. Every culture has something, and some cultures (like ours) have a mish mash of beliefs because of our vast cultural background here.

For instance, my grandmother practiced Appalachian mountain magic, but also considered herself a dyed-in-the-wool, saved-by-the-blood Christian who would quote the Bible and turn around and whisper to a dry cow to make it give milk.

In many cultures, there is no division between “good luck” symbols and their religion.

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